When you walk into any supermarket or see their latest ads, the chances are they’ll be comparing their price to Aldi or Lidl prices.
It’s almost a given in today’s retail landscape. Whether it’s price lowering or a price match promise, the major supermarkets seem fixated on positioning themselves against the two budget giants.

But here’s the rub, whilst this might grab attention in the short term, surely they’d be better off owning what they do instead?
Aldi & Lidl – Masters of price
Aldi and Lidl are undeniably great at what they do. I shop there. I tell my friends to shop there. Aldi’s passion fruit curd? Phenomenal.
They’ve nailed the “just enough” frills, price friendly shopping experience. From the middle aisle treasure hunts to their incredible returns policy (it’s never a problem) they own what they do.
So when the other supermarkets lay down a big chunk of their advertising budget just on Aldi/Lidl price comparisons, they lose their own competitive advantage – their personality.
(nb – I’m not including Waitrose and M&S Food in the “other supermarkets” category, they do “own” what they do).
What’s your story?
By focusing so much on Aldi and Lidl prices, the old school supermarkets have forgotten that they used to have their own individual stories.
I went down a YouTube rabbit hole when writing this and watched way too many 90’s supermarket ads – it was a nostalgia trip! But more than that, it reminded me that they all stood for something.
Sure, they definitely have dated (it was 30 odd years ago!) but their brands had personality, they made us feel something. Something beyond just price.
But now, most supermarkets are so caught up in the price battle. What if they stopped just saying they are as cheap as Aldi and Lidl and focused on what makes them unique instead?
Aldi’s Achilles heel
The old school supermarkets could embrace their own strengths. Their 24 hour openings, their loyalty schemes, click and collect and a product range that Aldi and Lidl just can’t match.
And when it comes to fresh fruit and veg, you really can’t go wrong with the traditional stores, a cacophony of colour and freshness!
There’s so many stories supermarkets could tell and “own”, rather than just saying we’re as cheap as they are!
Own choice, own range, own your story
It’s time for supermarkets to stop playing the copycat game and start owning their own story.
Be the place for big life events, small ones too. Own choice, own range, own convenience, be farm to plate – fresh, fresh, fresh!
In a world where everyone is copying everyone else, being unique is the real competitive advantage. Own your narrative, own your brand and tell us about it!
Note from editor – Whilst this article is clearly about supermarkets, it’s also pretty much true for any type of industry where you have close competitors.

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